Homemade Cafe Pavilion Ltd (trading as Homemade at the Pavilion) and JNG Occasion and Wholesale Cakes Ltd (trading as Cakes by Homemade) are compliant with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR regulations of May 2018.

Contact us

When you contact us, we will use the personal or company details you provide to process your enquiry, and will only be shared among the companies mentioned above according to the nature of your request. We will NEVER pass your details on to any third party organisation and will treat your details confidentially within Homemade.

Mailing Lists

When you sign up to our mailing list, we may occasionally send you promotional materials relating to Homemade and its associated businesses only. If you do not wish to receive such material, then you may contact us and we will remove your details from our mailing list, this can also be achieved by unsubscribing directly from our mail out, by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of the email.

The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information we hold about you by contacting us and if you find any inaccuracies we will delete or amend them. The personal customer details held by Homemade are ONLY taken from information given directly to Homemade by the individual.

Upon request, Homemade is able to provide any individuals personal data held, this can be removed and deleted upon request immediately. This policy is the responsibility of the Directors of Homemade Cafe Pavilion Ltd. to upkeep, maintain and adhere to.